[by Ech0Chamber-Emotes on dA]

i’ll re-do my carrd at some point um. anyways

[by LeoLeonard on dA]

rqs i'll accept

usually idrc who follows me but this is my spam so lol yeah

friends (obviously)
if i already follow you
if we're mutuals on my main
if you like half-life ;)
or if you're a respectable person who just wants to be friends. i like to know my followers <3

[by Real-Warner on dA]

please don't request if

i know you irl
nonsbians/hesbians. get help lmfao. lesbians are women you can cry all you want abt it no one cares

if i don't like you you probably won't get in

[by redroguexiii on dA]

that's all, thanks for stopping by!